Proper Work Posture

The Importance of Good Posture at Work

Good posture is vital whether you work at home or in an office. Aside from the fact that it aids in preventing health issues, it also contributes to achieving a more comfortable working experience. Poor posture also affects your mood, thus leading to a low quality of work performance. This also causes various musculoskeletal injuries related to work, and issues such as sprains, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, and eye strains. People in the workplace must be knowledgeable in promoting good posture to ensure a healthy working environment. Here are a few tips for healthy sitting!

  • Adjust your computer monitor, keyboard and mouse so that they’re correct for your height. Your monitor screen should be approximately an arm’s length away. The top of the monitor should be at your forehead level when your head is facing forward. Be careful so that you aren’t looking up or down, but straight ahead.

  • The height of your keyboard and mouse should keep your elbows at your side and bent at 90 degrees. Make sure you’re not reaching or straining to reach your mouse or keyboard. It’s also worth mentioning the investment of an ergonomics mouse, which keeps your wrist in a neutral position, almost as if you’re shaking someone’s hand.

  • Your hips and knees should be at 90 degree angles. When you’re sitting, your feet should rest on the ground or be supported on a foot rest. Your back should be fully supported in an upright, straight-on position against the back of the chair.

  • Make sure you keep your head directly over your shoulders. Rather than leaning forward toward the computer like so many of us do, be sure to sit straight with a neutral spine. Leaning forward puts significant strain and pressure on your neck and upper back.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Chelsey