Non Surgical Disc Decompression in Columbia MO

Many insurance companies also cover our Columbia MO chiropractic treatment. For far less than you might think, we regularly and successfully treat the following problems for our patients:

We are pleased to share with you the non-surgical solution for a Herniated Disc, Ruptured Disc, Bulging Disc, Compressed Disc, Sciatica or a Pinched Nerve. Spinal Decompression is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment.

Herniated Discs, Ruptured Discs, Pinched Nerves of all kinds can be treated without the use of surgery, whether you have herniated neck disc pain, herniated cervical disc pain, herniated back disc pain or herniated lumbar disc pain, there is a treatment that does not require surgery.

What is Columbia MO Disc Decompression Therapy?

Disc Decompression Therapy is gentle and focused decompressive “stretching” therapy on your spine performed with a computerized tool that is individually personalized to your care needs. The pulling “or decompression” of the spine takes pressure off your discs, which are gel-like pillows between your vertebrae. Over the course of several treatments, this decompression therapy helps the flow of nutrients to your discs, allowing them to heal and for you to not only feel improvement but aids in the healing of your condition!

Chiropractor Columbia MO Chelsey Aitken Back On Trac Machine

At Columbia Chiropractic Center, adding this advanced therapy (Back on Trac and Triton DTS) to your treatment of chiropractic, dry needling, rehabilitation, passive therapies and nutrition, greatly improve your recovery and help you on your path towards wellness. Our clinic, combines different modalities to personalize a treatment plan just for you. Find out if Disc Decompression is right for you?

Why do I need Disc Decompression? Do you experience any of the following?

  • Constant back or neck pain
  • Bulging Discs
  • Herniated Discs
  • Sciatica (radiating/tingling pain down the body)
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Posterior Facet Syndrome (worn spinal joints)
  • Radiculopathy (injured or diseased joints in the spine)

If you are in pain and suffer from any of the above, Disc Decompression could be vital to achieving wellness and relief!

8:00am - 6:00pm

7:30am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

7:30am - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Columbia Chiropractic Center

1000 W Nifong Blvd Bldg 6, Ste. 154
Columbia, MO 65203

(573) 443-7755