Pregnancy & Chiropractic In Columbia MO

Pregnancy & Chiropractic In Columbia MO

Pregnancy & Chiropractic In Columbia MO

Columbia MO Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy: What Are the Benefits?

Your body goes through several physiological and hormonal changes while creating the optimal environment for a developing baby. Some of these changes can have a negative impact on your posture and comfort; as the baby grows and becomes heavier, your center of gravity shifts, and your posture adjusts accordingly. As a result, these physical changes can lead to a misaligned spine and/or joints and your nervous system could easily be affected as well. Regular visits to a Columbia MO chiropractor during your pregnancy can address these issues, alleviate pain, and benefit your baby!

Importance of Pelvic Alignment & Stability

A chiropractor will work on spine alignment, joints, ligaments, and muscles to create better functioning and stability of the pelvic region.

  • A properly aligned pelvis may help reduce the length of time you’re in labor.
  • A pelvis that’s out of alignment can restrict the amount of space available for your developing baby.
  • When a pelvis is misaligned, it can make it hard for your baby to move into the best position to be born.
  • A misaligned pelvis has the potential to affect a woman’s ability to have a natural birth.

The Nervous System & It’s Effects on Pregnancy

Morning sickness, acid reflux, insomnia, and swelling in the hands and feet are common symptoms of pregnancy. Chiropractic adjustments can help to relieve nerve pressure from different regions, like the spine, neck, and mid-back, to improve sleep, minimize nausea and acid reflux, and enhance overall nerve communication. Changes in posture and the spine also impact the optimal functioning of the nervous system and immune system. In other words, the body can become vulnerable to various illnesses. Chiropractors suggest healthy lifestyle and nutritional changes that improve brain function and impact health positively.

Your Pregnancy & Columbia Chiropractic Center

Our providers at Columbia Chiropractic Center have been trained to work with and treat pregnant women through all stages of pregnancy. If you or someone you know is having aches or pains caused from their pregnancy, we are here and happy to help! Let us help aid and guide you through your pregnancy to ensure your experience goes as smoothly as possible.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Chelsey

8:00am - 6:00pm

7:30am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

7:30am - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Columbia Chiropractic Center

1000 W Nifong Blvd Bldg 6, Ste. 154
Columbia, MO 65203

(573) 443-7755